Finance Lab

WHAT IS FINANCE LAB – One stop solution for all Financial Learnings and enhancing financial literacy.
For Whom is Finance Lab –
Finance Lab covers the audience right from college level students to the corporate level irrespective of their field of specialization (i.e. Commerce, Arts, Science) as well as any educated individual with the criteria of basic schooling upto the 10th Standard.
- Aims to bridge the Gap between Practical and Theoretical Knowledge of an educated individual and make every Indian Financially literate and Financially independent.
- India comprises 20% of the world’s population yet India stands at Financial Literacy rate of only 27% (As in 2022) which Finance Lab aims to increase to 50% in the next 3 years.
- India stands at $3.29 Trillion GDP (as in 2022) which can be increased with the contribution of maximum skilled professionals in the industry and Finance Lab works towards the skill development by implementing the practical knowledge.
- India’s unemployment rate is 8.5% which is at 86th rank in the world and the major reason for the same is lack of practical knowledge and required skillset.
- One of the top vision of Finance Lab includes decreasing this unemployment rate and increasing the employment rate in India.
- Finance Lab will boost Self Employment and give rise to Start up ideas.
- Finance Lab can be a great contribution to India’s Skill Development Program and eradiate the educational inequality.
- Roughly 4.3% of India’s Population is contributing in the financial markets and hence Indian Financial markets are largely depended on FIIs . Finance Lab will contribute in reducing this dependency and increasing the contribution of Indian population in the Financial Markets.
With this vision we have worked with a focused direction for designing finance lab, teaching some basic concepts to some strenuous concepts in a more technical manner.
We intend to cover about :
- Equity markets
- Bond markets
- Various payment systems
- Insurance
- Derivatives
- Taxation
- Corporate Etiquettes, etc.
Finance Lab focuses on every minute details, starting from basic financial training and thereby covering its practical usage and also learning about the crucial corporate etiquettes.